The VLCC Advantage
- One stop shop for your beauty & wellness needs
- Leading Wellness Brand in 11 countries, 134 cities & over 300 outlets
- Over 5 million satisfied customers in past 10 years
- Over 4000 experts including medical doctors, nutritionists, psychologists, cosmetologists and physiotherapists
Weight Management
Integrated scientific approach which analyses and studies individual body compositions.
Beauty Management
Our programmes not only work towards enhancing your beauty momentarily, but aim to equip you with wellness for life.

I am a senior Business Development professional with a Textile Yarn manufacturing company. My job involves lot of overseas travel and due to which I have wrong food habits and no physical activities. Naturally, I started gaining weight and my concern was added with increasing High Blood Pressure and a family history of Diabetes. I was uncomfortable physically and used to feel lethargic through the day. It even became difficult to tie my shoe laces. I became a complete introvert and was finding it difficult to mix with people.
VLCC Franchise
Franchise System / Service Management System
- Franchise Fee and Royalties
- Royalty Fee
- Franchise Fee