I am a senior Business Development professional with a Textile Yarn manufacturing company. My job involves lot of overseas travel and due to which I have wrong food habits and no physical activities. Naturally, I started gaining weight and my concern was added with increasing High Blood Pressure and a family history of Diabetes. I was uncomfortable physically and used to feel lethargic through the day. It even became difficult to tie my shoe laces. I became a complete introvert and was finding it difficult to mix with people.When I meet my doctor, he immediately advised me to lose weight. I started off with a self prescribed crash diet but it further made me feel sick and I became even more lethargic. Fortunately, one day I noticed the VLCC Centre in the next building of my office. I immediately enrolled for the Weight Loss Program and was so happy that I was in right place. What impressed me the most is the VLCC scientific way to lose weight with no side effects and constant motivation from the VLCC team.
Surely, in the initial days, my wife found it difficult to cook food for me separately as per VLCC diet but I knew the way to make it easy for her. I shared all my learning on VLCC Diet Plan with all my family members and everybody realized the goodness of VLCC prescribed diet. Soon, all the family members changed their diet and today my wife need not cook two different menus.Today, I am totally transformed and have changed my lifestyle. I feel younger day by day. My stamina has increased like in my twenties. And I can tie my shoe laces without an effort.
I was very fond of eating and was not at all careful with my food habits and was reluctant to any dietary modification. I was gaining weight and also started suffering from Sciatic and Back Pain accompanied with breathlessness. Also due to my over weight, I started avoiding social gatherings and started to lose confidence. I was depressed and frustrated with my looks. Now my doctor advised me to lose weight but I didn’t believe I could ever lose weight.When VLCC opened up at Dhaka, I was so sure that I will have to go VLCC to lose weight because I was already aware of the quality of VLCC Beauty Products available in India and had complete confidence that the VLCC Slimming Program is a trustworthy treatment. However, I was more impressed with the cordial support of the Slimming Staff, the Dietician who was regularly monitoring my diet and the close follow up of the physiotherapist for doing activities and educating me on the importance of exercise in life. I thoroughly enjoyed the program and never felt it was tough or impossible to follow. I started telling myself “I have miles to go before I sleep…but am happy that my journey has started”
After losing 10 kgs, I found a new Shahreen. There is a complete transformation in my life. There is a significant improvement in Sciatic and Back Pain. My breathlessness also disappeared which I realized was due to overweight. People started looking up to me and admired me with my new look and renewed energy. I keep telling everyone “To feel Good, you have to look Good”